They will always turn things around on you. Sometimes it will be funny in retrospect, sometimes you will cry in the moment. Parenthood is messy - physically and emotionally - but it is the job I loved most. Well, until I got to be Granny. It is the reward for keeping them alive. It is not easy, and I only had ONE for a long time. Then I got bonus kids (step-kids) on the weekends. It was a wild ride, but as long as they are alive and relatively unharmed, you are doing great. You should never get anything nice until they are at least in their late teens. Everything gets torn up! I don't know how my paternal grandparents survived 4 boys, my step-paternal grandparents survived 3 boys, or how my Mom and Stepdad survived me (serious tomboy), my half-brother, and my stepbrother. Not everything will work on every kid and you may try 2000 things to find the right one for each one - and they will all be different! Thanks for sharing your adventures!

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So if you remember me I’m the single father of 7 grown (6adopted) children. I’m often sharing with you that ‘you’ve got this Emily’. So here’s a sad fact for you. You might be expecting too much from three year old boys too soon. It is unfortunately probably going to get worse before better. Remember I raised 6 boy and one daughter by myself after my wife passed giving birth to our only biologic. So I fully understand and feel your “dismay”. Advice #1 buy cheap furniture until they are 13. #2 If they throw food. They don’t eat anymore that meal period. #3 have your husband take them outside,even in the rain and let them play, but, make them run a lot. No sitting down playing out side. Throw a fetch balls. Lol #4 lower your expectations they are three. They have no brains yet. What do you expect. #5 if they are alive at the end of the day you have succeeded. #6 When these early years are gone when you are 60 you will sorely missed them. That’s all you got this Emily.

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