
You were kind to me, a total stranger, online at a time when I desperately needed it, and that made an impression on me. What you did then was small to you and likely forgotten, but I remember it because it said, "I hear you, I understand, and though we'll always be internet strangers, you're not alone."

In October, something happened--one of those moments where a mundane procedure is happening, and everything is fine, and then suddenly the doctor is running to the OR, someone is tossing scrubs to a husband who will not need them, because he will be left alone in a room to wonder if his child has survived, and a mother wakes up in a recovery room with no memory of the baby's traumatic birth and revival.

I knew I wasn't really okay, that I haven't been myself since then, but until you were brave enough and vulnerable enough to write about your tragedy (far, far worse than mine), I don't think I realized how NOT okay I was.

I'm sorry that you've been going through something so horrible. I'm sorry that something--someone--so precious was taken from you. I will pray for you today. I wish I had more to offer than sympathy and this small gift of prayer.

But thank you, fellow internet stranger, for once again telling me that I am not alone, and maybe for giving me the courage to finally get real help.

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I haven’t suffered a medical trauma like this but I did have a catastrophic birth and didn’t begin to process until the baby was a year old. The tears I cried reading this, goodness. I’m sending every positive vibe your way.

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I've not had this exact problem, but I've had similar other medical trauma and yes, cracked jokes, acted fine. Was totally *not* fine. And didn't process it until *years* later.

Hugs and prayers, Em!

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I prayed for you often during this time. I obviously had no idea how truly devastating it was. With love from someone who knows all too well.

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Thank you for writing and sharing. I recently had an ectopic pregnancy, away from home, and it feels like the only comfort is other women who have experienced and written and shared and made it so when I google “ectopic pregnancy” I can find community instead of think pieces.

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Thank you for sharing this. You write so beautifully and powerfully about such a difficult experience. Sending prayers and love and all the best wishes.

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Thank God you’re alright...

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You're incredibly brave to share what you've been through and what you're going through. I love that you tried to see it through with humor. I truly believe that's how most of us get through the most difficult parts of life. I know you're still healing and you'll get where you want to be in time but don't ever lose that humor, don't lose that humanity. Thank you so very much for sharing such a deep part of you.

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