So sorry for the loss of your dog. It is always heartbreaking. I hope you and the kids are coping well.

Tuna Noodle Casserole is serious comfort food to me! I love so many of the recipes in that Campbell's cookbook!

The Toll House cookies always need more chocolate chips than the recipe says. I have found, over 40+ years of making them, that a 1/4-1/2 tsp of almond extract makes them subtly different but still familiar and I think it enhances the chocolate chips. I have also tweaked my recipe to use 1/2 c. white sugar, 1/2 c. light brown sugar, and then 1/2 c. dark brown sugar so they stay softer a little longer.

Have you ever tried a recipe with browned butter instead of regular room temp butter? It is definitely a grown up gourmet cookie!

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My mom made that casserole but NO vegetables, and crumbled Saltines on top. Cook the egg noodles first. Serve with green beans on the side. Yes, it's good, and no, there are no other acceptable ways to make it.

I'm sorry to hear about your dog, it's been a year since ours left us (aged 17!).

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Yep, mom's menus in the 60's and 70's had tuna noodle casserole in heavy rotation. Her mods were to use Campbell's cream of celery or cream of chicken soup, no peas and cooking the noodles separately and assembling/heating on the stovetop. Later she substituted rice for the egg noodles (maybe because eggs began to be seen as unhealthy, cholesterol and all that). Thanks for this blast for the past!

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So very sorry to hear about your dog. For our 14 year old labrador, who doted on both of our daughters, he spent his last evening sleeping with us in the family room, both girls in contact with him for hours. Such a tough event to endure. I pray sweet memories provide a lifetime of comfort for your trio.

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